
I'd settle for a balanced discussion either way, but there's no way that's going to come from this author. At this rate, it won't even happen on this website, which is a real shame.

Thank you SO MUCH for listening and taking it on board! I am positively glowing with relief that I got such support for posting about this. It was a huge leap of faith - on a topic that's intrinsically embarrassing, even if there wasn't such a stigma around it - and I was expecting a lot of criticism and nastiness. I

I hate hate-reading! I don't have the energy for it, most of the time. That's why I used to come to Jezebel as my first port of call: it presented the news through a prism of what I already held valuable (i.e. anti-bodyshaming, pro-equality, anti-rape and such). It seems to have become a very, very different place,

Duly noted! You are a more careful wiki-er than I (especially in the wee hours of last night!)

Thank you! When I get stuck in the memory of it, I go into this glazed-eyed trance and have to shudder myself out of it, but luckily I haven't really had any bad dreams that I remember.

Yeah, except look at the tone of this article. This "journalist" uses the word sliced four times, and - for dramatic effect - one of them is "sliiiiiced". Would she harp on about that detail if this were considered a legitimate medical surgery? Try to picture it "Ewww, people who have cardiac problems get sliiiiiiced

But that's the thing: there is such a whitewash over the fact that there even are any legitimate reasons, in almost all of these articles. The way that people speak about this surgery can be incredibly demeaning and dismissive, to the point where it's the norm for people to scoff and call it "mutilation", without so

Seeeeeee? That's the problem with this surgery being dismissed as a self-indulgent, vain procedure - people aren't aware of the actual reasons for getting it. (Which I assume were the original reasons why it was developed as a surgery, but it's 4am so I'm not gonna go down the rabbit hole of google to confirm that!)

Thank you thank you thank YOU! I've never spoken to someone else who had it done!!



Thank you. :)

It really isn't! It feels like you're wearing a thong backwards, if you get it wrong!

Thanks. Yeah, I know there are those women, and I'm troubled whenever I sense that someone feels pressured to change their body for the sake of how they think other people will view them in their natural state (or maybe as a result of someone being rude enough to outwardly criticise them for something that's beyond

Agreed! I'd like to say "on the plus side, this is a guest article, republished from another source", but there's been a lot of it going around. Between Schwyzer and shit like this, I am growing increasingly weary of Jez. :(

Thank you so much. I've had that rant stored up FOREVER but I've never wanted to say it with my regular commenting account/s, for obvious reasons; I'm glad of the chance to do it with a burner account.


Thank you. I just posted a comment about my labiaplasty experience, because I'm so fucking tired of everyone slut-shaming people who make this (very difficult) decision. I was terrified that there'd be complications or I'd lose sensation or something awful, but I did it anyway - that's how PHYSICALLY uncomfortable I

I had a labiaplasty.