
And I don’t have a lot of patience for people that see a hard 53% disapproval and go for it anyway. The reasons for the disapproval rating are irrelevant (for the record I agree with your reasoning 100%), you don’t run a candidate with no ability to move the needle upwards, who is less than inspiring to her own party

Did she, because I’m pretty sure Presidents have never been chosen by popular vote. Her braintrust was too stupid to know that. I voted for her too because the Orange Cheeto is the end of a representative democracy as we know it, but still, what a monumental fuckup by everybody in her organization.

In 2016, of all years, I NEEDED this comment. +1

I try.

uh, what conspiracies did I mention? I think you were posting to someone else. All I said was Clinton was an unpopular candidate with about 50% of America, which ain’t a conspiracy.

I watched that with my family over Halloween. Great episode, one of my all time favorites. It’s got Alan Hale, Jr. literally mugging for the camera every chance he gets. ANd a side plot involving a revival group that doesn’t do anything. Kind of like actual Wisconsin.

Leave it to the democrats to run somebody with a hard, immovable 53% disapproval rating and all the charisma of Joe Flacco.

Ain’t no democrats anymore. The Red party controls everything.

Expect a ton of triggered Republicans to show up and bitch about this one.

“So, you may be an adult, but in many cases adults are not wise or responsible. They make choices who’s costs and burdens fall on everybody else.”

The only person who got it right, and called the rust belt states Hillary would lose was *shudder* Michael Moore.

Don’t bother. You’re arguing with someone so programmed he thinks Russian interference in an election makes Trump tough on defense. Because Hillary or some shit.

Oh sweetie, only Red Party Republicans give a shit about Hillary. You should really stop listening to Alex Jones.

Aw, someone is cranky and needs a nap. How’s that swamp draining thing goin’ for ya?

You sound triggered, cupcake. Need a safe space?

Carrie Fisher 60, George Michael 53, Prince 57... These are people who still had time in their prime. This is bullshit. Hell, even Bowie at 68.

Wow, I’m impressed by the amount of mental gynmastics you just used to pin historically low tax rates and inequality on, of all things, over-zealous regulation.

So you’re saying the super-concentration of wealth over the last 8 years is a result of Progressive regulation?

The economy is not crawling, it’s been 6 straight years of massive profit. You’re just not seeing any of it because it’s super-concentrating upward. That’s not the fault of progressives.

Take a deep breath, Comrade. The Red party has recognized your zeal at promoting our propaganda, but there is such a thing as too many beets in the Borscht.