I Have No Account and I Must Post

I’ve been watching CNN for hours. Live shots of highways are passable. That have been for the majority of the week you’ve been told this is going to happen.

LOts of shit in their ice cream was literally the one (customer facing) founding product philosophy/principle of Ben and Jerry’s.

And the gym, if people want a treadmill, there is the block. (If Southeast DC had a post dinner walk, the neighborhood would change.)

The hunger thing can’t be overstated. Your body does not register that it has enough in it until well past the time when it goes in your mouth. This can easily lead to overconsumption.

He also apparently hired a professional service to ensure that the name change obfuscated his past.

How much more can I elaborate? There’s nothing for them to “accomplish”.

You keep glossing over that the correspondent herself admits she doesn’t have clean hands in this situation.

No, that’s true in all states.

as a huge nerd I feel I have to point out that Castle Grayskull was basically a revered site for the forces of good on Eternia.

That $1.50 goes to the store that sells the DLC. It’s their cut. WB never even sees it.

maybe Batman will be the next DLC

I wonder if there’s a list out there of top professions of fictional women on screen.

airbrushing app

No, they throw the parties that have the coolest things to look at.

It’s still a shitastic system of lurking around whimpering notice me, sempai, but here we are.

Flight 431 landed seven minutes ahead of schedule

You’ll note that in the sequel painting The Forgotten Man is accompanied by a woman, because apparently the reason The Forgotten Man is single in the first image has something to do with Obama? Maybe dastardly Obama refuse to assign each hardworking white man a woman for breeding purposes? In any case, in Trump’s

Notice also that they included on the “good” side Republican politicians who held opinions and created policies diametrically opposed to the current GOP.

I was going to complement the builds but then noticed this is all CG so....

If Splinter overstays their welcome, just tap them lightly on the head