If you want to see what we as a country are losing if/when we lose DACA, there’s a great documentary called Underwater Dreams you should check out.
If you want to see what we as a country are losing if/when we lose DACA, there’s a great documentary called Underwater Dreams you should check out.
The analog to your scenario above would be that if you filled up $4 at a time, you’d stop more often than $5 at a time.
Let me get this straight: I know exactly where my:
You’re thinking like someone who fills their tank every time they stop.
You don’t even get fuel more often, except maybe one time to put a baseline in your tank.
your fuel pump is more expensive than keeping gas in the tank.
I think most officers would call this dick-cop behavior. Most good cops tell you that it is pretty obvious that this asshole cop was being a bastard
They’ve also made it their mission to try and get me as drunk as possible, “because it’s fun!”
I tried to embrace celibacy but it turned me down too
in the back of a volkswagen?
It’s too much. It hammers home a point that was much more subtlely dealt with in the final edit we’ve seen.
sure, but this is a GOOD one
There’s an inception-type thing going on where I want to say, “if I were in Italy I’d rather go eat real italian food” but since this is IN Italy by definition everything it serves is real italian food.
thank you
I attended a fantastic exhibit about Matisse this summer. It showed how his paintings- the form and color- were heavily influenced by all sorts of foreign cultures.
I found myself oddly attracted...
I’ve watched maybe one episode of GBB (with my mom) but if Noel Fielding hosts in character as Vince Noir I will set my DVR immediately
The actual Annabelle is a Raggedy Anne doll, and is wayyyyyyyyyy creepier.
He’s absolutely suffering from dementia. Compare tape of him giving interviews in the 80's and 90's- hell, up until just a few years ago- to now.
I know the exact number because I got paid to go to his rally in New Hampshire during the election. <shudder>