Amy Dunne

Personally, I find the lack of those encounters hindering.

I enjoy that Jughead is a misanthropic jerk in this relaunch, it's closer to how he used to be portrayed when the series was first created. (Minus the misogyny.)

So in other words: masc only, no femmes or fats.

I've only played Luigi's Mansion 2, but I loved it and Luigi is absolutely adorable in it.

I could listen to Sigourney Weaver talk about diarrhea. Her voice is fantastic.

In the early 00s, Burger King dug its promotional claws into seemingly every Fox show imaginable. Most memorable (for me, anyway) was the trip Paris and Nicole took to a BK in The Simple Life season 2, where they ordered everything on the menu and accosted several people around the restaurant to help them pay for it.

You may be confusing this with Cassandra Clare's work ("work")?

Sleep paralysis is quite a different beast.

I've only experienced sleep paralysis twice, but my eyes were open both times. The worst part (aside from the shadow man hovering over the edge of my bed) was feeling like I couldn't breathe.

He's not. I mean, it's his career, his experience. If he found that making indie movies was laborious and frustrating, while making blockbusters was more cushy, then you can't fault the man.

I just saw Boyhood for the first time last night so I'm really feeling this.

Unlike our angry friends below, I do agree that these two scenes have problematic aspects. But beyond that, the restaurant scene is just AWFUL. Terribly lit, flat composition, on-the-nose dialogue and indifferent performances. Really lackluster production.

I know this comment is from 2 months ago, but I just wanted to chime in. I'm half-asian myself and the dearth of asian representation in media has always affected me. That said, half-asian actors have had some successes. Keanu Reeves is the most prominent example. On a smaller scale, you have Chloe Bennet on Agents of

I miss Freaky Eaters.

I totally missed that.

Team Silent was doing memes before memes were memes.

Does anyone remember the weird 80s harpsichord throwback that played over the end credits of Resident Evil 3? Even as a kid it struck me as severely out of place, like it was meant for a Japanese romantic drama but plopped into a gory survival horror videogame instead.

"Way to Fall" by Starsailor at the end of Metal Gear Solid 3 immediately came to mind.

I too really like MCU Pepper.