
Can I get an amen?

If you’ve ever seen a Hutt in a bikini you would understand.

I love Aasif Mandvi, but ... c’mon, dude. Trump didn’t just “insult hot white women.” He bragged about committing serial sexual assault.

Um, he’s bragging about committing sexual assault against actual human women. It is legit despicable.

Your joke is lazy and unfunny.


I just want to make sure I understand the official Deadspin position on this: if you pee on a building wall and take down a poster/sign, you should have guns pointed at you and told to give up all the cash you have on you.

I presume since that’s OK, the guards are clear to shoot them if the pissers do not comply (e.g.,

Given that it has been covered every single day now; in every conceivable medium. for a week, I don’t think one can properly say he’s “gotten a pass.” Generally when everyone is talking about what a moron you are, that is a bad thing. Likely he will lose some endorsement deals, as he should.

Oh yeah, he’s getting a big time pass for this one. No one is mentioning how douchey he is; no one is saying it’s an embarrassment; and no one is writing negative articles about it. There was even a supportive hashtag for him that was trending for hours called #LOVE4GabbyUSA

Please note that some people in Japan finds your whitewashing statements hilarious and would likely be using Japanese actors to recreate any Western media.

It’s really exhausting to see how many comments here boil down to “as an able-bodied person, I think disabled people are just too sensitive.”

Man. I guess I really shouldn’t be surprised that the comments on this article are so different to the comments on last week’s Constance Wu/whitewashing article, but I am. Basically, it appears that “chill the fuck out” is the consensus here. The one movie of the year about a person with a serious disability — not

Cheese and rice, I am NOT making fun of her weight. I’m pointing out her lamentable hypocrisy about her size. She just, and I mean JUST, responded to body shamers for making fun of her normal, American-sized ass with a cool-headed “this is me. suck it.” and turned right back around with the Myspace angle pic of a

According to Drunk History, Woodrow Wilson’s wife apparently made decisions for him after his stroke. #badassfirstladies

Fuck progressive comedy. Asian countries are known for using slave child labor. The joke was not great but you little girls need to learn the difference between jokes about nationality and race. PC is nothing more than communist group think to suppress free speech.

Yup. It’s starting to feel like a gratuitous pile-on, or getting a stab in when he’s already taken a blow. Especially three days after the event. I feel like people were maybe almost waiting for him to fail and when he didn’t the tactic changed to “look at me, I’m so woke I can criticise a black comic who is talking

Much of Rock’s Oscars routine was poking fun at people taking #Oscarssowhite too seriously over other issues. And now those same people who took that too seriously are taking Rock’s Oscars routine too seriously over other issues.

Enough already. Seriously, you guys have bigger problems.

sorry, but wasn’t the joke more about a country that uses child labor more than a joke about an ethnicity?