Right? It says a whole lot more about her than it does about anyone that she turns this shit on.
Right? It says a whole lot more about her than it does about anyone that she turns this shit on.
This obsession with calling people ugly. She is trying to go for the throat so she says you are ugly, that is speaking volumes to me. Not really the worst insult, but I think for her it is.
I'm not all that fond of Rihanna, but that response? Perfection, in 140 characters or less.
Clean meaning they wash and they don't smell. I like hair.
I have never cared how my partner's wear their pubes and none of my partners(with the exception of 1, who still did me, but I still ended it because I can't date a dude who won't go down on me, just...no) have ever cared about my bush. And I have a biggun(bush). Sometimes I trim but I like the soft long bushiness. I…
See, shit like this is why I never understood the big controversy over allowing females to serve on the front lines in combat roles.
I don't get why we're so worried about women being in combat and potentially getting captured and raped when, if the statistics are accurate, we rape them enough ourselves. Maybe we…
Yeah, I think it's because the great firewall of Canada (built out of maple leaves, no less) blocked it. That and the Rogers monopoly.
It must have been edited since you posted, because 3 is 'Wash Him' and 4 is 'Give him sustenance' now.
The word "Burglar" is very un-sexy.
Look at this slutty window treatment. The house is clearly asking to be burglarized.
My skin is crawling with just the mention of the june bugs. I lived in the midwest and south for most of my life and will never leave my blessed bug-free life in Seattle. Hell even the mosquitoes don't bite here. It took me more than 6 months to get over the palmetto bug PTSD, and I will never miss sand gnats.
From the bowels of hell.
Wear whatever all y'alls want, but I cannot understand (personally, personally) why someone would consistently forgo putting thought into their outfits: because it's so fucking fun!!
Oh lord, june bugs are nightmares. I really don't like the idea of a sticky bug.
Oh my God. I grew up in Texas and I live in Louisiana now, so I definitely know june bugs. I was taking out the garbage a few nights ago and one crashed into the side of my head and I just about had a shit fit in front of the neighbors — I had to break out into my spazzy little OMG IS THERE A BUG IN MY HAIR IT'S IN MY…
As a person who is deathly afraid of bugs, I have NEVER been happier to live in the south. And that's really saying something because we have cockroaches and grasshoppers so large I think they may actually have survived from the time of the dinosaurs.
This last date, where a girl didn’t even reject me but simply told me about her life and the mass of things she has to do or her plans to go abroad was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
holy fucking shit what. His mother?
Isn't there already a profession for this? You know, the oldest one?