
But often kids hear not 100% effective and just give up. You have to explain a lot more about what effectiveness rates mean and how they can make sure that they use them as effectively as possible. So while it is important to teach effectiveness rates, you have to also balance that out with "if you don't use

She was arguing that condoms aren't worth the risk by trying to prove that condoms are actually really ineffective and will inevitably fail you. It's like arguing you shouldn't even drive because seat belts aren't that safe anyway. Except you have a very basic, biological urge to drive all the time, and with lots of

Sorry, but who said the "SS" said this to her? Re-read the article. It wasn't the "SS".

I for one don't read a story and presume that the person is not telling the truth. If you think a doctor with a journalist husband would risk being called out for lying by someone who happened to be nearby with an iPhone, don't