i hate you carl monday

I've come to like Jessa a little more this season.  I can relate to being an asshole when depressed I guess.

Thanks for the warning.  Didn't know that, but it wouldn't have shocked me based on what little I know of other comics of that era.  Mostly I'm thinking of Tin Tin, but yeah still weird to see.

I meant it's a fucking t.v. show, you are not required to watch it, do things that you enjoy instead.

I know next to nothing about the comics other than they exist and are somewhat well regarded.  Do any of the books stand out and would be a good place for someone curious to start?

Yo I'm a dude (boo, hiss) and it doesn't bother me Lena is naked.  I don't find her unattractive, I'm also not particularly attracted to her but I don't feel the need to project grand sweeping proclamations about what the show is and isn't jerking itself off to.  Hannah is a character, a young 20 something who is

Liked the episode a lot, but mostly want to give Todd props for this write up. I enjoy all of the AV Club writers but am almost creeped out by how Todd is apparently plugged in to my head.  Nice job guy!

I was going to argue but realized that the only reason I ever take a picture of my food in a restaurant is specifically to be an asshole (basically for sending to a friend to make them jealous of the amazingly garbagy food I eat). I do wait until after leaving to send the message though, and I never use flash so I'm

Just know what happens in the Savage Love comments section doesn't stay in the Savage Love comments section.  I'm dishing to the Adventure Time t.v. club commenters right now about Emperor Jim's jack off problems.

I'm a little hazy on the details as well but his intentions were not to bring them together.  I think basically he wanted a co-pilot for this road trip, or just needed her support, but his only intention was to get there and sign the paper for his mom.  He didn't want Michelle to know about it.  I think he assumed

Yeah I bought it, and I've been quietly cringing at the idea that Sasha will inevitably move in with Michelle, but I'm slowly being sold on that as well. So, kudos Bunheads.

I kept hearing people recommend it and could never get in to it.  I was trying to just pick it up with the most recent strip which I would find kind of amusing but nothing special.  Forgot about it for a couple years, heard some recommend it again, and decided to poke around a little more.  Basically I just hit the

The Great Outdoor Fight doesn't really seem like a great place to start to me.  It's a favorite of a lot of Achewood fans but I don't know how great it is without being familiar with the characters.  That said, since you've already read that, I really love the next story right after that one where Phillipe runs off to

I don't think Mel's dad was working that angle.  I think he was just
covering for his wife not wanting to come to dinner with Ginny's mom, so
he said she was sick, and Mel almost blew his cover by being surprised
that her mom was sick. But the scene was not set up very well, so I might have missed something.

Gloria FightEm, Laura Ingalls Reviler, Rosa Sparks, Mary Todd Weaken, Lady Quickdeath, Hellen Killer, Amelia Tear-a-Part…oh boy, I could get in to this…

I don't think the show is trying to say that Marnie is any worse of a person. It's true she probably gets away with being crappy because she's beautiful, but Hannah gets away with equal amounts of being crappy because she's quirky/flighty.

I actually started listening to the Best Show a year or so ago because of AV clubbers complaining about Scharpling blasting Podmass on twitter. I tried it out to see who this douche was and thought it was hilarious.  Best Show has become one of my favorite anythings.

I thought it was pretty neat when AMC had the Madmen yourself page, but judging from that pic it looks like the BBC has really topped them with this Downton Abbey yourself edition.

Nope.  I meant they are paranoid that that they are meeting people who are just experimenting. Not saying bi people are experimenting. I'm saying college is a place where a lot of people experiment.

That's interesting.  Maybe on some subconscious level it gives them the chance to have some feelings of superiority, as they presumably have been marginalized most of their lives.  Obviously they want to avoid being someone's experiment, so it makes some sense to be put up some walls during your college years.

Had the same exact thoughts on my first listen as well.  Currently I am listening to it a second time and am liking it a bit more. Kind of a dumb thought but I'm curious if anyone else has had a similar experience, where my first listen was cranked up on speakers and none of the songs really distinguished themselves,