i hate you carl monday

i mostly agree with the muskrat heathen but not so much with you racist icon.

three words.
hotdog. babydaddy. sigh.

never have anything good to add to these threads, drives me batty

ease up noel
AVC: You didn't have any pop-star fantasies growing up? You never wanted to stand on a big stage and sing?
KK: No, no. God, never, no.
AVC: Not even like in front of your mirror with a hairbrush?
KK: No. I mean really no.
AVC: Come on, what about in the shower?
KK: [stabs AVC in throat]

Today.. I consider myself.. the luckiest man.. on the face.. of the earth.
[ crowd cheers ] I was being sarcastic! I'm unlucky! I may be the unluckiest man.. on the face.. of the earth! I have a disease.. so rare.. they named it after me. Yeah, lucky me! [ crowd cheers harder ]

i've got some battlestar blueballs. at least Racetrack is back. (how else would they find anything?)

Ladies and Gentlemen: …EH. oh crap. How does this work?

a few walk outs
Mostly in like the last ten minutes. I liked it a lot. But apparently I'm stupid.

Milk's honestly hard to watch without thinking you're looking at the I am Sam guy. Not to say it's a bad movie. I cringed when he was making out with Falco, then remembered he wasn't mentally handicapped and wasn't being taken advantage of , then enjoyed some healthy guy on guy action.

It sorta looks like that guy is showing Night Owl his weiner and is about to recieve one hell of a junk punch.

you should be ashamed. making assumptions without any real validation in comment sections about the lives of actors… you're an animal.

so if Summer Glau farted would you hold your breath and pretend not to notice, or breathe it in deeply, nice and slow?

the spoiler alert
was really the only thing spoilery about that conversation. most unneeded and counter-active spoiler alert I've seen. (and I've seen a few, let me tell ya.)

dumb question
but has that much time really passed for hera to be as old as she is now, or do cylon hybrids just age really fast.

He's good, but I'd throw Jens Lekman's name out there for favorite male vocals. Maybe Will Oldham too.


That's actually the only thing I could come up with too, Bruce Campbell signed book. We suck.

i'll miss you joel
I doubt he would have been heading west anyway though. What is the word on everyone else, writers and such? Are the Max Weinberg 7 no more?

Never would have realized just how many of my favorite childhood movies (Weekend at Bernies I and II, National Lampoon, Great Outdoors, Stand by Me,Clue, and yes, even Men at Work) revolved around a dead character.

Is Head Six a common name for her or is that something carried over from GWC. Saw someone else refer to her as that too. Also, when she suggested to Baltar that they needed bigger guns during his rah rah speach was one of the funniest BSG moments in a long time I thought.