
You must just not have very clever or funny friends.

I didn't watch the Francis video, but after Angry Joe's thing the other day, I lost a lot of sympathy. You can't blame the provider of a free service for making changes to that service. Youtube owes these guys NOTHING. NOTHING.

And while we're at it, people get changes to their pensions, lose stock options, get

He obviously isn't good enough if he depends on youtube. The only reason people watch his videos is they're free. If he was a good professional critic somebody would pay him for being a critic.

Hmm get new job? It is pretty shitty, for sure, but Youtube is perfectly within its rights to manage copyright claims in this way. I think it is a terrible idea for game publishers to be cracking down on such channels, especially when the reason for using game footage is to critique and review, but the publishers have

i'm returning to the PC master race.... Hardware ordered and assembly will begin in 2 weeks.

PC PC PC PC PC PC #masterrace PC!

I know, in 2012 you couldn't find a PS4 anywhere! Trust me, I looked.

Too bad No Man's Sky has no chance against Star Citizen.

Greek Mythology is easy enough to sum up in one phrase: the Gods are pricks.

Have you used the PS4 yet? The battery on the DS4 lasts about 5-6 hours. The Xbox One with AAs lasts weeks.

$30 for one of the best laptop mice ever? Damn~

And putting on their makeup while eating breakfast and smoking a cigarette.

And yet I can't go anywhere without seeing some women in a SUV talking and texting while driving.

Cant wait to play. I got a perfect spot in my living room right next to my wiiu and pc i use for movie streaming. Great time to be a gamer.. Gonna pull all-nighters on ryse, dead rising, and killer instinct >.<

That, sir, is the entire point of this system. To be the PC in your living room that you don't have to buy because you already have it. MS took a riskier route than Sony by incorporating features that gamers all shunned because MS didn't devote their machine to gaming advances only, but in 3-5 years when everyone

Next-gen, ladies and gentlemen.

it's upscaled to 1080p...the pixel difference is not what you see. You see slightly more jagged edges because it was rendered at 720, you don't see an actual 720p picture. And this argument only makes sense if graphics are the ONLY thing you're paying for, at which point...seriously, get a PC.

I'm saying this as I stare at my PS4...

I have Burnout Paradise and all the DLC for it, I want a new Burnout Paradise not more need for speed shit.

Hmm... indeed.