
Why would I want to make it so that I find everything boring unless I’m high? You’re basically arguing that taking LSD would make a person incapable of just enjoying life? Why is that something I'd want? You're not really selling me on this.

That’s one thing I appreciate about Japanese culture. They don’t take it easy on you just because you’re a celebrity. America’s “justice system” could learn a lot from Japan.

Drugs are taboo in places outside of America and some parts of the UK, this is a common thing. Only the “western” lifestyle glorify drugs, sex, and guns.

noun: strawman

Butt Sniffin requires a disclosure:

Butt Sniffin requires a disclosure:

Butt Sniffin requires a disclosure:

Butt Sniffin requires a disclosure:

Actually been here a couple years. I just switch up burner accounts. Good try, though. Don’t think I’m not familiar with your usual idiocy ;)

I agree with you but I don’t understand why whenever someone refers to “sex sells” it’s always followed with a sadly or an unfortunately... We in America are so tightly wound around the concepts of sexuality and nudity that it gets funny after some time. Men enjoy seeing women nude or nearly nude, that doesn’t make

thats not the inside of a PS3, thats the inside of Anita Sarkeesian’s vagina.

For example, their wage gap insinuation is BS. How do men have more rights than women?

People who say feminists are trying to take Men’s rights away are pretty fucking stupid, wouldn’t you say?

I can’t tell if this is a non-serious comic or just another feminazi attempt to shakedown the non-existant patriarchy to make them feel better.

Tried to stop reading after “Patriarchy”, made the mistake of reading...damn... it’s bad... and damn, those frank miller quality drawings are horrible

What, so now we must end “tattoo discrimination”? Fuck that shit! Everyone with their ugly, nasty-ass tats can stay out of my onsen.