
Yeah not totally clear to me how Seattle is the big winner here. Most of us have little in our lives other than watching and rooting for our local sports teams. Seattle was forced to confront the fact that sports teams are laundry. I’d be tthat in retrospect the median citizen would’ve paid the, what, $30 extra in

Yeah I haven’t watched it but I’m going to. But to be clear, what the Pats do is obviously special. The Pats are better than everyone else. There’s simply no disputing it at this point. (Belichick especially, since every coach who leaves ends up completely exposed without him.)

It’s not that it’s more “palatable,” per se. Here’s how I see it — Quinn is spending a bazillion hours gameplanning. Matt Ryan is spending a million hours working routes. If you just say, well, they couldn’t outsmart Belichick, that’s one thing. They didn’t. It happens.

To clarify: as far as them gameplanning better though — clearly it’s true. The Pats’ 5 championships in 15 years in a sport of small samples, one-and-done playoffs and salary caps is, in my mind, the most dominant feat in team sports history. Maybe John Wooden is close, but that’s it.

My explanation is that most professional football coaches aren’t particularly bright, and they’re very closed-minded. I believe Belichick is very bright, open-minded, and can recognize intelligence and employs bright people. He also found the perfect complement in Brady.

I am a Pats fans, and Patsplainers like you are just the worst. The Pats are fucking better than everyone else, but it’s because they’re smarter, not because they’re the only people “gameplanning.” It’s so irritating to watch people around Boston smugly talk about the Pats like they just work harder. Dan Quinn

I went to a Clemson football game once, it was pretty cool. I can believe that generally though.

I find his vocabulary pleasant enough, and I don’t mind his self-insertion. I do find it easy to believe that he made up conversations, though.

Summer is brutal, especially for bald Irish-American men. You people have no idea of you tan privilege and your hair privilege and your non-sweaty privilege. F summer.

Yes. This is the correct take. Every season has its merits, EXCEPT for January 2-early March. And, as you say, once the Super Bowl is over, there’s not even good diversions. It’s hell.

“Honestly, I’m not sure Wallace ever intended to ask the question to begin with.”