
Fucking good for her. I'd be pissed if some egomaniacal dude was trying to take credit for my massive success too. This is the most I've ever liked Taylor Swift.

I’m super not getting what insufferable thing Taylor Swift did here.

Yo this is 2016 you can’t just call them color commentators, they are african-american commentators

I think Jiminy Glick looks Fab-u-lous!!

No, you are not terrible. That whole family getting offed was like Christmas morning.

I am surpized how many critics have been bashing this episode, when my friends and I were thrilled with it, pretty much top to bottom.

Kanyes’s new line is um, interesting.

Am I terrible? I plan on watching the Sam Gets Eaten scene again because the first watch just filled me with glee. I’m not a kid hater in real life, but that Sam kid was (!) the worst.

Counterpoint- we’re supposed to be grateful to a magazine for deigning to objectify a woman who is closer to average size than most models?

Yay! Now every body type gets to be objectified by the male gaze!

This was not ‘hysteria’. There were more than 1000 *reported* cases of robberies and sexual assaults in just a few hours on new years eve at a very small perimeter (the train station and the open space to the train station (we talk about 3 football fields maybe) in a city of roughly 1 million citizens. Imagine 9000

12 is the number of arrests so far linked to sex crimes. The number of reported assaults is much higher: “To date, over 1,000 reports have been filed, including 467 by victims of sexual crimes ranging from insults to groping to one rape.”

Please. The BBC was covering it from the minute they heard of the story, and they did so in a responsible and balanced manner, unlike a lot of other left or moderate news sources who participated in the voluntary silencing of this story. What the left doesn’t get is that by staying silent to prevent right-wing attacks

No they didn’t. They hid from this shit like cowards because they were afraid that the PC police would take away their progressive cred. Anna fucking Merlan herself has gone apeshit over rapes that turned out to be hoaxes and thrown tantrums over other fake outrages a number of times, and yet she and others are piss

Were they trying to turn people against refugees?

So, 73 people identified so far, who operated in a city square smaller than half a football field, in a single night, is a “small number” and those who complain are provoking “hysteria”?

70(assuming the 3 germans are not of the same descent) is a small number?

If they pull shit like this again, I hope they’re stomped to death in real time. Fuck religious fundamentalists of all stripes. You DO NOT get to immigrate to a country then complain that you don’t like how your hosts live. Fuck these assholes.

Didn’t Baldwin also call his daughter a little pig in that terrible voicemail that leaked? I dunno why I bring it up other than it seems to be a weird tick of his...

“He described employees regularly gathering around computer monitors to watch footage of celebrities having sex. (Stills from these clips appeared on TMZ.)“