first off, what was the gender of the judges (i would like to assume it would be women, considering its a competition and foundation started and run by women)
between this and MSNBC basically focusing more on Trump than the actually Democratic primary, it makes me feel like MSNBC decided “if can’t beat them, join them” and have decided to shift to becoming a right-wing news source.
“In this exciting and unpredictable presidential primary season that you knuckle dragging mouth breathers can’t seem to get fucking enough of, we’re going to get rid of any shows that had merit, and replace them with more talking head vacuous, bullshit.”
yeah, i know JCM has always been a piece of shit, but i really have started to hate him the last month or so because he is so easily tricked by whatever anti-Marco propaganda the people at Brietbart say.
speaking of which, weren’t you one of those morons that said they were going to stop watching the show because you suddenly didn’t agree with the plot?
So you are telling me no one here would complain if they made a tv show where Allah was a dumbass that had sex with little girls?
Islamaphobia like your comment is why Trump is leading in the polls and might end up president, you know that right?
Can we all agree Sony is lying? Like unless Sony was full of dumbasses, they clearly would have some way to get artists out of contracts under their name.
the DC area is a whole different story though, if you don’t mind the commute, you can find apartments that are $.05 a square foot. way outside the city. As for inside the city, you can find cheap places in the east side and really cheap places on the south side, and the Navy Yard is on the South East side, as long as…
is there a male movie actor who’s had to do that?
So we can blame white christian men for all the bullshit everywhere in the south and congress and everywhere else, but we can’t blame white jewish men?
. I guess thank you Hollywood for giving us different stories than we usually see
yep probably, I guarantee Stewart’s biggest regret in life years from now will be that he didn’t stay until the election was over.
the bloomberg thing was completely overblown, plus Hilary will win the nomination so its not like big business democrats have to worry like they thought they did 3 weeks ago.
of course a Jew came up with this idea too. Damn, and then people wonder why everyone calls them greedy
who wrote the obit, also what’s her beef stroganoff recipe, if that was considered a more important accomplishment than a propulsion system to help keep communications satellites from slipping out of their orbits, it has to be good
yeah, that’s my pet peeve with this study, like many of the winners were more than one category.
and Brando, well he got fat and angry.
you just made up that fucking quote, Ted Cruz was just some no name lawyer in 2004, with as much name recognition as jennifer lawrence had in 2004 (none)