No judgment for how you choose to spend your free time, but maybe part of your issue is that you’re getting bored after averaging playing 9 hours a day for the past 6 days?
No judgment for how you choose to spend your free time, but maybe part of your issue is that you’re getting bored after averaging playing 9 hours a day for the past 6 days?
A full-size hybrid SUV that starts in the mid-$50k range is honestly pretty cheap for this day and age.
And yet they’re sold out everywhere, with the exception of the units sitting on dealer lots with outrageous markups. Someone is buying these things.
Here’s the other side of the coin, the pilots perspectie! (I’m an airline pilot)
Calgary: Nice airport, long way to taxi to the runways but easy approaches in all weather due to be out in the open away from the mtns
He’s many things, a farmer, a journalist, a social media influencer, a presenter on the Telly. Mostly he’s just human. Most humans, with you as an exception are not perfect. I do envy your virtue, I really do.
5th gen 4R sucks balls compared to the Bronco.
That sounds like the biggest lawsuit in history just waiting to happen. For a while though, Detroit did offer MASSIVE discounts to production companies and studios to film movies/TV shows in Detroit. Quite a few movies (ex. Transformers: Age of Extinction) were filmed there because of the “ruin porn”. The whole thing…
I hate DeSantis too, but yea, I think American citizens should have priority in buying land and property in their own country over foreign entities. But all foreign entities. Not just China.
I feel disgusting for having to agree with that piece of shit DeSantis but I actually agree with banning foreign entities from owning land / real estate within our boarders.
I’ve never heard a good reason for allowing this and as it stands there are so many vacant condo’s in Boston owned by foreigners as investments.
You guys really buried the lede on this one. The last line of the video is, “I don’t have any ideas; I’m a TV news anchor!”
I’ll expand the grid like I expanded yo momma.
Very interesting article. The craziest part to me is the price. at $30k, the low slow speed and ride quality might be excusable. But at $70k+, you’re competing with Teslas, Base Taycans, Mach-E GTs, and other very impressive cars
My bad, forgot the Internet wasn’t the best place to have an opinion.
The main character in "Falling Down" was given a name?!? For thirty years I've been calling him D-FENS after his license plate.
Seconded. I enjoy and respect the hell out of Tron. But Legacy is one of my all time favorite films.
Tron, while a brilliant technical movie, is trash.
I’d like to remind everybody that Jalopnik in the not so distant past was on the Transformers as well as the Fast & Furious bandwagons, both of which are garbage.
There's so much more to a car than 0-60 times. And Porsche under-quote these, partly to keep them away from the 911 times. They are conservative with 911 times too. Carrera S's have been clocked in the 3s by magazines - R&T I think. And it will be different every time you do it. Bottom line, Porsche buyers dont give a…