
Cant wait to see Trojan sponsor Rosemary’s Baby. Or Uber sponsor Christine. Or U.S government sponsor 1984: “ Things can always get worse. So stop complaining, Trump is here to help! (only if you’re a corporation.)“

An exchange student from Denmark told me they thought of Canada Goose as “drug dealer jackets.”

Status symbol, and keeps you warm while standing on a street corner all day selling drugs.

I don’t understand how anyone can still be stanning for her after that awful interview she gave in Africa.

She’s also just as much an insane Obama-birther as her husband, so FUCK. HER.

Can we please just stop giving her any credit where it’s not due? Her credibility is zero. She is a willing accomplice. She married him not because he held a knife to her throat, FFS.

Kate has three small kids, if she goes out the press will rip her to shreds for leaving her youngest with a nanny and be *gasp* bottle fed

The Duchess of Sussex continues to be the cool one; Kate could maybe step it up.”

He’s mastered the entire schtick - the reach around boob grab combined with the “joke” designed to denigrate her (“oh I didn’t know who you were”) combined with the fake self deprecation (“cause I’m sooo old) that was really all about telling her to not react, respect her elders, and just stand there while he grabbed

I taught my daughter to pinch any hand that was on her against her will.  A tiny bit of flesh between two fingernails, and SQUEEZE HARD.  He’ll pull his hand away like he just touched a hot stove.  

“Men of the Cloth" of every religion and denomination are some of the skeeviest motherfuckers around, almost without exception. What do you expect from conmen who make their living off the backs of the gullible?

He was visibly digging in while she kept trying to pull away. He knew.

Kate McKinnon is my everything.

This checks out, I’m a big fan of iced tea.

If the ref sees a dive, they should confirm it on video replay, then red card the diver. That’s the only way this shit will end.

Emmitt Smith: So that’s why they call it an “oldbitchuary.”

Our gender reveal was when our doctor went, “Yeah, it’s a girl.” We then took a picture of the ultrasound to my dad, when we had dinner at Olive Garden together. I’m not saying I’m the greatest American alive, but it would probably be fitting.

The real solution is stop doing gender reveal parties. I just read that some people have paid up to $25,000 for them. The whole concept is fucking stupid.

Well this is traumatizing.

They owe her an anthroapology.

What she looks like is not the problem. C’mon.