I grew up watching genre movies so he was in a lot of movies I saw. My favorite role of his was the vampire in Near Dark.
A+ haunting Depeche Mode cover at 1:03
Just wanted to let you know the con this was at is GalaxyFest in Colorado Springs.
So glad there were better pictures taken of this group than the one on my phone! Glad GalaxyFest got to have this awesome group.
Ironic that the debate took place at the Reagan library because Reagan (aka “Republican Jesus”) would not have a chance in today’s Rep Party. He raised taxes several times, supported amnesty for immigrants, doubled the deficit, and signed a gun control bill into law.
You can see Janet airplanes at several airports throughout the U.S. You can hear them on air traffic control. You…
The first thing I said when Ghost in the Shell: The New Movie ended was “Wow, that actually makes Arise better in…
One of the most depressing shows I have watched is also one of the greatest. Attack on Titan is many things at once:…
They have done landings and takeoffs from a ship. The problem is not that a single plane will melt the deck, but that the deck can’t dissipate heat fast enough for sustained F-35/V-22 operations, limiting how quickly they could sortie in a combat environment.
Oh wow, I’m surprised you took Brady’s dick out of your mouth long enough to type this article.
This is so shady and incredibly disappointing. It's loathesome how certain individual and companies will exploit vulnerable individuals for a buck.
My Facebook feed is full of excited friends posting about this but icy fear shoots through me and roils in my stomach every time I think about my expectations being confronted by the reality of this book.
Two and a half months after the death of Harper Lee's sister (and lawyer) and 55 years since the publication of T…
What is going on with Megyn Kelly lately??????? Here we have yet another clip of her smacking down the dang…
If you've never seen John Carpenter's The Thing, stop reading right now and go rent the damn movie. We're getting…