Change happens slowly in Japan, but it does happen. You wake up one day, and things that weren’t possible years ago…
Change happens slowly in Japan, but it does happen. You wake up one day, and things that weren’t possible years ago…
Yes, it's racist. Like, super racist. "100%" that "race or culture"? How can you be 100% of any culture, in today's world? ...or race? Everybody's got some mix in them.
By this logic, only Native Americans should be allowed to become Miss America.
I think there's a level of douchebaggery and beyond-beyond-reasonable-doubt where beatings should be in play as legal punishment. Because this person needs beatings.
That guy should be arrested and charged with assault.
She's trying to tell us that she was the brain behind HorseEbooks all along.
I will say this: It's better than Fifty Shades of Grey.
Invest the money. Save the money. What's good for the hedge funds aren't good for America.
Is the game free? It better be free.
Except there's still no point in using a Tilt Rotor in Attack Helicopter roles. You gain nothing operationally from having two big rotors, two big swiveling gearboxes and two wings for the Apache's types of missions, in fact you'd lose maneuverability and CRIPPLE a perfectly good attack helicopter. Again, being able…
The S-97 will likely have better payload compared to a tilt rotor of the same size. The V-22 is showing a cruising speed of 240 knots. The S-97 reportedly has a cruise speed of 220 knots. Is that fast enough for the mission? It is certainly fast enough to escort the UH-60 and likely fast enough to escort the FVL…
There's a long running hatefest, both in person and in print, between Clarkson and Morgan. Clarkson even punched Morgan in the face once at a British awards show. Then again, Piers Morgan is a giant shitwaffle himself, so nobody feels bad for him.
Top Gear's infamous U.S. special involved them driving through deeply conservative rural Alabama with "Hillary for President," "Man-love rules OK," and "NASCAR sucks" painted on their cars. While this one didn't create an international diplomatic crisis, it did get their van pelted with rocks. (For the record, as both…
Top Gear's infamous U.S. special involved them driving through deeply conservative rural Alabama with "Hillary for President," "Man-love rules OK," and "NASCAR sucks" painted on their cars. While this one didn't create an international diplomatic crisis, it did get their van pelted with rocks. (For the record, as both…
The fact that he offends is why I watch. I like that he pokes those sensitive people and gets them irritated.
Attack helicopters and A-10s for that matter don't require any great speed. They fly low and slow using terrain for cover, and pop up where and when necessary. The A-10 also flies higher missions, but attack helicopters never do.
Really no reason for it. Tilt-Rotors are designed to haul a lot of weight for a long (relative distance) either to or from a restricted landing zone. Helicopter gunships are based at forward bases with tons of ammunition, so there is no need for large load carrying or huge range.
I'm afraid that you are mistaken on some issues.