
I usually go with "significant other". I'm a little old to go with 'girlfriend' (as is she). This is also a really good way to weed out people who would be freaked out were I in a same sex relationship (these are people I generally don't care to associate with) as they will push and push until I slap a gender on

I'm out of wit, and I'm sorry. Please God - only date men who know better in the future. Some things are just unacceptable.

Well said - then again, why stop at dogs? If we applied that same logic to humans as well...

...Now you're just exaggerating. Everyone knows that the scale goes apocalypse<————>casual friday, then business casual, then formal wear. Three pair of pants, three shirts, BOOM. Done. :)

This. I should have put that qualifier in there. I will shop my ass off for formal wear. SO PRETTY. Anything else? pfffft. Falls under practical clothing and is treated with the same reverence as my hammer. (Does it do the job at hand? GOOD, i dont need another. The job here being "not getting arrested for

Thanks for the information! Assume that the above has been edited to "not here to bicker the form or function that dog love takes compared to human emotion" and "...and has FAR LESS THAN PERFECT ABILITY TO..."

Preach. I know you love your dog. Your dog loves you as well - in whatever capacity dogs love (not here to bicker THAT unknowable point). However, its still a dog. It's still programmed to attack prey animals, defend its pack, etc, and has ZERO ability to understand context. Leash it - if you don't, when animal

This stadium doesn't look racist enough. Back to the drawing board!

NO. We like our simple closets. I own two pair of jeans. TWO. They're not dirty until they can stand on their own or are visibly no longer "blueish". Shorts are the same - buy one or two pair, wear them forever.