I’ve come to the conclusion that only libtards use this site...Timothy Burke is bitch and he won’t approve this reply and all the comments are highly liberal...funny how you can’t approve conservative views which are the right views by the way
I’ve come to the conclusion that only libtards use this site...Timothy Burke is bitch and he won’t approve this reply and all the comments are highly liberal...funny how you can’t approve conservative views which are the right views by the way
I wasn’t about to read any of this article...just here to ask how does a white person race bait??? Race baiting is when you use anything good or bad that has happened to your race to try to make a point for an agenda and last I saw white people aren’t aloud to have an agenda and our race doesn’t matter in society…
Nobody is oppressed in america...truth hurts deal with it...the Democrats put systems in place to warp millenials minds into thinking minorities are oppressed by using college and news and social media because if they make a false problem and proclaim to be the saviors then people will buy into it and vote for…
You have to be trolling right??? Please say yes, nobody can actually believe what you just said
What’s the difference to someone saying Jap bastards and a black man saying fucked up white people I see in movies in 2016???
Please elaborate on why Colin kapernick is not a douchebag for sitting during the national anthem...
I like the guy...
So because blacks live in shitty housing they have to kill each other then blame the white man and call for gun bans so all the gang bangers can keep their illegal guns and the rest are defenseless...you know you really sound like a dumbass right??? Did your college professor teach you about this? Stupid fucking…
I have no problem trying to make a statement about something that makes sense but cops doing their jobs and black killing blacks??? And he says his people are oppressed??? These stupid bitches have no idea how the real world works. Fuck blm fuck kapernick and anyone who seriously believes all this liberal propaganda
This bitch is stupid and yall a bunch of retards
I’ve obviously found myself in the retarded part of the internet because I just read a comment that made total sense when you’re talking about picking the leader of the greatest country in the world, and I scroll down to the comments and it’s like all the libtards come flying out of nowhere and start screeching like…
I have a couple of problems with this...
So where is all you shit about hillary??? You mother fuckers are unbelievably biased. She can get Americans killed in bengahzi and lie about it, then try to cover it up but you want to right a story on somebody no one cares about past??? Just because he’s linked to trump? I come to deadspin and kotaku for the sports…
Oh look another self righteous sjw deadspin blogger...you fuckers bread like rabbits or what?
I really don’t see how it is bigoted...he’s right...I see it everyday as soon as you give someone an inch they take a mile...this will open the flood gates for pedophiles and weirdos alike...all those pedos or weirdos that were on the border about going in the wrong bathroom cause they are afraid they would get caught…
Holy shit I worked with that kids dad lol
And Hillary let people die in bangahzi...I like how there is so much shit about her but the liberal media won’t publish it
Why is everything you publish race baiting bullshit??? Look that was a different time, this is 2016 get the fuck over it. Stop trying to create the race war...
So I clicked on the video thinking I had enough time to look at all the marbles but nope...click play and they’re off! So I picked the one I saw first which was the red 3...was not disappointed