
Just so I understand this issue, girls want and will only buy female gendered toys and boys will only buy male?

Or, they could just delete them from the website.

Io9, a bookstore disguised as a blog.

That's how things work in CA.

Gawker Media - we will clickbait you to death with little or no information.

The reduction or elimination of poverty, disease and war.

Hopefully they’ll do for this comic what they did for Agent Carter.

Well, the question was asked of another and the context was space exploration.

I thought Juno was our case worker.

You don’t think the Jarvis marriage is a ruse? It had phony written all over it.

Of course I answered your question, I said I watched the premiere to see if it had improved. But that wasn’t the answer you wanted so you cleared it out of your mind.

I watched the premier to see if it had improved.

They relentlessly promoted it last year and it went from 7 million viewers to 4 in 7 weeks.

Isn't it against the rules to post links to your private kinda blog?

Well, for six more episodes. Then you'll never see it again.

And apathy.

Because AC sucks.

The premier absolutely tanked, 3.14 million viewers and a .95 rating. Down 55% from last year.

I hope people see how hilarious are many of these rationalization for the death of millions of birds.