No, I asked for THEIR opinion so I could poke holes in that.
No, I asked for THEIR opinion so I could poke holes in that.
You’re assuming I don’t already know their answers.
At only 4 million viewers I don't know how either stay in network prime time.
Of course, Tell us why we can’t.
Can you define “advancing the human race”?
Well, let’s settle this. Are you an advocate of colonizing other planets? If so, what is the purpose and end goal for colonization?
The Apollo 17 rover travelled a total of 22.2 miles while Opportunity has already travelled over 25 and is still going.
I never said it was pointless, I said it was too expensive, too problematic and dangerous and returns too little for the investment as opposed to other much less costly projects.
It gets better ratings than SHIELD.
So gizmodo, like io9 before it, has become a predominantly book pimping site?
The entire curiosity mission cost 2.5 billion, we’ve already spent over 150 billion on the ISS. For what?
I went into Big Adventure hating Herman and came out believing he was a comic genius.
It’s outrageous a little spanking in a dark movie theater derailed his career.
All black teams from mostly black schools?
Are Caucasians specifically being excluded from consideration?
I go to a lot of concerts, maybe 15 last year alone, but I always tell everyone my favorite of all time was The Eagles.
Good one.
Push the limits, blah-blah-blah, never get far, blah-blah-blah, dots on the screen, blah-blah-blah.
Wait until I wipe the tear from my eye.
No, compared to how many birds there were before and after the wind turbines chopped them to bits.