I hate everything

HEY! I take exception to that, don't you compare us backwater nationites to that shithole, Russia.

Welcome to my world except I already have family that is fighting these drunken monkeys.

Do you speak the native language spoken in that video?

What about baconaise?


I love this. It's not applicable. Yes it fucking is motherfucker

Back in high school which is rated #14 on us news you couldn't even ask other students what the homework us as they will intentionally give you the wrong one.

I took AP classes. But seriously the teachers in them were idiots.

truth hurts doesn't it?

Not racist when it is a fact

Never lyft

third it is India. Fuck india

Most people in India don't know how to bathe

from my understanding this kind if racing is illegal. Not sure why it just be a ticket not arrest and raping


Bah we all know it is Obama's fault. He did his Kenyan rain dance.