
I don't understand? Why are these guys sexually assaulting anybody? I thought football players at major programs had access to non-stop skanks . Why do they need to assault anybody?

Oh man, Harris is fucked. After the police do not interview the victim, decide not to interview the accuser, wait 11 months to release the police report, delay the transfer of exculpatory blood work, decline to send the rape kit until being pressured by the public, tell the victim that her life will be "miserable" if

Eh, if the other team got possession, you understand the touchback. But normally the offense get the benefit of the doubt on other possession calls, like a ball going out of bounds, simultaneous possession, etc. The offense should keep the ball.

Deadspin rails on people all the time for being racist, but they hate the entire Midwest. Fuck this website.

This is a website that routinely highlights the stupid, vulgar signs fans hold up on college gameday now taking the "moral" stance that what Jameis Winston yelled is wrong. The hypocrisy of the Gawker sites is becoming too hard to ignore.

Like I said...Dodge can't prevent it they just putting incentives in place to discourage it. But if those cars aren't going to sit on the lot for a long time and already have customers that is a win-win for the dealer....unfortunately.

Elvis Andrus has a new mission.

So, let me get this straight, Reddit.

yea back when this was dodge's big sedan

No manual...but 427 hp V8 and RWD wagon is not too shabby -

The problem with Tom Ley's post is that his headline implies that *anyone* who donated money to Wilson is a "terrible" person - not just the commenters he included in the graphic. Your initial assertion that his headline was "unfair" is accurate.

I dunno. I say we shoot Wilson dead in the middle of the street and then spend weeks debating whether he was a thug who deserved it or not. That seems to be his version of justice.

I have seen people say this and I agree that's incredibly racist.

Suck it, DogFister.

They may have had a hard time with the tarp in Chicago, but it still went more smoothly than the cover up in St. Louis.

If by "The Man" you mean "Thousands of people just trying to get groceries," then yes, it IS a great way to stick it to The Man

And to anybody needing to get anywhere in the city! Fuck those people! I hope they missed their flights, or they got fired for being late to work, or their dates went horribly, or their kids where scared when nobody picked them up from school! I mean, why shouldn't thousands of people be severely inconvenienced so we

Dick Johnson...?

Just stop with the freedom for womens bodies bullshit already. Nobody's trying to outlaw birth control, they just don't want to pay for it. Is it really that hard to scrape together the $9 a month the pill costs? How is this even an issue?