
Serious talk, that's why this looks worse than the standard CFB scandal - Army recruits football players like this when they use bullshit promises to recruit people for warzones.


So...even by trying to start his own thing...this is still a negative? I am always confused by people who hate people who have money.

There are lots of reasons to be critical of Americans, but this one is really weak.

Is there no middle ground between black tie attire and hick attire?

Also Pepsi eaters.

my goodness she's gorgeous.

Maybe I missed it. Was there something in the add that said the person must do sex for the trip?

I loved it. More orange than limon/lime.

i think it's hella grody, but as amazonman said, it's like MD, and i am not an MD fan at all.

It's actually pretty good, like a better Mountain Dew, but strip away the caffeine, sugar, and carbs and it would essentially be piss. Like Diet Dew.

I definitely had the same thought. I don't think just anybody can do the we're-not-related-but-we're-cousins bit. Is it cool now for all of us to just make fun of black people? Not in a racist way, but in like a, hey, let's admit that there is some funny shit about whites and some funny shit about blacks. Has the

Seriously. I worked as as attorney in a federal public defender's office for a year and the harsh sentences for viewing child porn was a hot topic around the country. Grisham isn't saying it shouldn't be a crime, just that long incarcerations are perhaps not warranted in all cases.

Well, I've read it now, and I still don't find his opinions to be all that shocking. I didn't see anything from him that he thinks viewing child porn should not be illegal, just that he thinks the sentencing is out of control and disproportional to the offense. This is not at all a controversial opinion among federal

Go fuck yourself.

Hmm, I didn't read the full article, but from the excepts posted here, it certainly seems like he could just be saying that he thinks the sentences for viewing child pornography convictions are too strict. Frankly there are a lot of people in the criminal justice system who think that's the case. I see the pros and

Where's "Being hit by a car?"

Now playing

Scrolling down to find Alexey Shved was almost as good as this classic:

How did no one's "is this racist?" meter go off? Holy shit.