
If you didn’t hate Bloomberg enough, keep this in mind: Bloomberg is currently fucking up Democratic down-ballot races by hiring campaign managers to work for him at $6,000/month through the rest of this year.

Dear DNC,

Now playing

Wow, how terrible... imagine if everyone one started (checks story) tapping messages to windows, and using easily removed spray paint... to say they don’t like someone with a deeply troubling history of racist and authoritarian policies trying to buy our democracy.

Oligarch is a little general. “Bermuda Mike” is better defined as a Plutocrat.

Yet again, one of our campaign offices has been vandalized with derogatory language—using the word ‘oligarch’—in an act of hate.

I’m not at all surprised that he only accused Bernie supporters, he seems to be trying to garner votes by demonizing Bernie supporters. Unfortunately, it’s easy as fuck to do so because the Democratic party laid the groundwork for him (Thanks for nothing Hillary and MSM) but it’s so clearly manufactured outrage that

All the people hand-wringing because Bloomberg made an accusation an are going on about how we should condemn vandalism can seriously go fuck themselves.

Why would it matter who’s enforcing it? Are you saying it’s ok if the president manages to pass legislation to make stop and frisk a national policing policy because it might not be enforceable?

Lol, never been vetted? How’d you find out about the rape essay, then?

Bernie’s not my first choice, but if you think that he hasn’t “been vetted” at this point then you’re a fool. He’s the frontrunner in a primary where the party itself doesn’t like him-if they had some dirt, they’d have shoved it into Ol’ Joe’s hands so hard he’d show up on TV wearing wrist braces.

Anyone stupid enough to pay influencers to make him look “cool” is stupid enough to pay people to make him look like a “victim.”

He literally lost to Bill De Blasio because of Stop and Frisk.

“Eat the Rich”
Our office in Flint, MI

America deserves better.”

I guess oligarchs are a protected class now? I can’t wait until Bloomberg starts saying he can relate to black folks and the civil rights movement.

Nobody was hurt, right? Oh well, his ass can afford all the cleanup crews.

All of the “vandalism” photos Bloomberg has sent show that the “vandals” where excessively polite and either taped signs to windows or gently laid them on the side of the building. None of the buildings where actually damaged.

This looks a hell of a lot more like missguided viral marketing by the Bloomberg campaign the

Bloomberg: ”Mommmmmmy, Bernie said he was going to.. sniff sniff.. he said he was going to eat me!”

Black women who think for themselves and are willing to push against what’s expected of them. Black women who have voices and thoughts and feelings that don’t agree with everyones concept of “Black” or even “woman”. Black women who ally themselves with what they feel is in their best interests and support that

I happened across a Tim Black (who I usually have zero interest in) video on my YouTube recommends and something about the title had me click on it. He had a clip of this which he played several times on his show.

It’s not really about denigrating black women. Jason Johnson is mad that his mantle as a black people whisperer for corporatist,white liberals is in danger. If Sanders somehow pulls off primary victories in the South, all the shit he has been throwing at the left loses credibility. All of the sudden, he’s not so