I wanted to represent Brazil in a positive way...
This likes like Charlize Theron.
It’s such a strange thing to try to copyright.... someones emotional makeup.
Stand next to the fire, get burnt.
The problem is that white folks are the problem in this instance.
“The phrase I posted does not reflect my personal views at all...”
There is no part of this gaffe that inspires me to vote for Trump, or not vote period. End of discussion.
There is no part of this gaffe that inspires me to vote for Trump, or not vote period. End of discussion.
Bravo. Exactly my sentiment.
There is no part of this gaffe that inspires me to vote for Trump, or not vote period. End of discussion.
There is no part of this gaffe that inspires me to vote for Trump, or not vote period. End of discussion.
There is no part of this gaffe that inspires me to vote for Trump, or not vote period. End of discussion.
There is no part of this gaffe that inspires me to vote for Trump, or not vote period. End of discussion.
There is no part of this gaffe that inspires me to vote for Trump, or not vote period. End of discussion.
There is no part of this gaffe that inspires me to vote for Trump, or not vote period. End of discussion.
We are not surprised.
As a person of color, living in the south, who sees bbq beef burgers as a sacred creed, nay, a religion of the holy burger... I would normally balk at this suggestion, and tell you to hit the bricks for even making it...and then whisper under my breath about this being some “white nonsense”, and likely “what’s wrong…