
Universally the symbol of a skull means death. Yours or someone elses.

IT’s better to take anything he says and reverse it, it’s more likely to be the truth. The same can be said for anyone who works for him.

But I thought... Antifa...

Solidarity... it’s a beautiful thing.

Threatening death is ok with you? Really... really?

Only a coward justifies murder for his convenience.

“How dare you compare a peaceful protester being threatened with death to something that happens in evil dictatorships and communist countries...”

Stores can be rebuilt, streets can be repaved, cars replaced, graffiti painted over. Windows are a quick fix, food stuffs can be replenished, stores restocked... everything can be put back as it was.

My brother, there isn’t enough space on the root server to contain all of the racially motivated murders and brutal killings of black men and women and trans people over the history of this nation.

Crying... but also CRYING!

Daly and the US Olympic committee were responsible for the team selection. That is the technical truth.

Not a question, Jordan all day. 

Counter Point: Jordan doesn’t owe us a damn thing.

Jordan doesn’t owe us a damn thing.

Exactly this. Teaching is one thing. Emulating their behavior and honoring their beliefs is another. They believed: that freedom was there natural god given right... and that ours was to be property, to be raped, tortured, beaten, worked until exhaustion, sold, mutilated, and murdered... at thier whim...with no rights

This feels like one of those “feels good at the moment” things that will ultimately come back to haunt us. I get it, and yes we have the right to do this...

See if he had just stayed still as he was approached by two men with a truck and one wielding a shotgun in the deep south... everything would have been fine.”

This was a typical, ‘people doing the lynching weren’t wearing racist gear, so therefore it was non-racist lynching’ comment.