
While Sanders stubbornly refuses to drop in the polls...

Sanders speaks to our issues more then Warren does, it’s not that she isn’t good, it’s that Sanders is better and has a broader coalition. Her campaign has not been as well organized, and Sanders has serious grassroots...

Man that must be a huge cult then... cause it keeps growing. Are you saying a third of all democrats are in a cult really?

right below where Sanders and Buttigieg

Warren was a good candidate, but she lacked the organization and the grass roots that Sanders has. Oh and attacking Sanders for a tiny fraction of people who cannot be verified as actual supporters, and whose behavior cannot be controlled is ridiculous. That vast majority of Sander supporters are women and people of

In case you wonder why I won’t be engaging you (accept in this post)... and will be flagging, dismissing and generally shutting you out of any future discussions of black people or black issues.... this is why.

In case you wonder why I won’t be engaging you (accept in this posts)... and will be flagging, dismissing and generally shutting you out of any future discussions of black people or black issues.... this is why.

This is great, I’m happy for those students who will have a chance at a better future.

Mo’ betta.

Is that... a... chobo?

It’s been a lot of disinformation and smoke being spread and hold over from the 2016 campaign. It’s very tough getting people to reexamine what they’ve come to believe, and some people aren’t really willing to even listen. Passing medicare for all will be one of the most significant moves forward towards racial


It’s not about being dedicated. If you are watching MSM news outlets, you arr are being fed false narratives by people who have zero interest in anything changing. and false information on the daily.

Do you honestly think that black people only watch CNN and MSNBC, or are so low information that they don’t do their own research into the candidates?

I like her alot, and I think she’s been unfairly maligned in this cycle.

But you see, that’s the fantasy land... they already have a monopoly of force. You think a little Ar-15 is going to stop a navy seal? OR an Abrams Tank? You think a few rednecks in the would shooting off claymores’ is a threat to the US army? Or even a single platoon of marines?

Nope, we got a great candidate. He’s got the funding, the grass roots, he’s got a wide coalition, he’s the most consistent, and he’s got a large percentage of independents with him. Oh and he’s doing the best with Latino’s and has gotten the most support from people of color in the first two states....

But at least those white people will be less likely to murder people, and more likely to keep their guns in safe places, away from kids, they will also kill less of their fellow citizens.

Now playing

So you support oligarchy over democracy? That really can’t be where you stand? Really?

It is not my responsibility to end racism or the racist system that makes gun laws unequal in our society.