That’s what’s known as a Fake News Truck, it only carries bullshit and Trump hides behind it to ensure no one can see his failures.
That’s what’s known as a Fake News Truck, it only carries bullshit and Trump hides behind it to ensure no one can see his failures.
The answer is hinted at but mostly buried:
He wrote in “Ron Rivera, future head coach of America” on a postcard addressed to “The Election” for which he didn’t apply any postage.
“What I’ve always said is I know nothing about that. I can only speak for what he has been to me and the players,” Rivera said Tuesday. “A fellow adult I’m afraid to call by his first name.”
“What I’ve always said is I know nothing about that. I can only speak for what he has been to me and the players,”
This is laughably illegal and most likely 100% unconstitutional.
How is this even legal if they’re public roads and the drivers have valid licenses and up to date plates?
See you in court, Leonia. You can’t fix what your state broke in its poor traffic planning. And I chuckle about the emergency vehicles situation. I work at New York’s largest hospital, which has its Emergency Room loading area on a residential street. We have been trying to make that street restricted to city and…
Studies have shown that when the wealthy get tax cuts, they usually just bank (i.e. invest or hold) the extra money, creating no net positive economic impact. However, when those of lower economic status receive tax cuts, they usually spend the money, creating about $2 in economic activity for every $1 in tax cuts.
Even as a physician. I’m not a millionaire or a big shot ceo. But if taxes and licensing costs increase I will simply renegotiate my contract to compensate me more so my standard of living stays the same. As will all workers with specialized skills.
I’m not familiar with your American footed ball, but is there anything in this young man’s background that suggests emotional instability and poor impulse control?
They are 4-11. That was the first time all year his teammates actually blocked someone.
Jesus. Does Lee here owe you money or something?
This is what happens when you eat too many Ls.
Jameis Winston standing there by himself trying to look hard after none of his teammates made the slightest effort to hold him back—when it was damn clear to everyone that’s what he wanted—is a goddamned Christmas miracle.
Jameis Winston with the “oh shit no one is holding me back.”
I may have spotted the flaw in your plan.
They’re both skeptical of the cat. So all I have to do is make sure that the cat keeps everyone in line. Should be a breeze.
This shocking development will destroy the reputation of dog racing as a wholesome, family-friendly activity. Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio?SMH.
Atleast he is committed and is actually focused on helping his community unlike other officers who just shoot unarmed civilians just for fun.