
Defaulted on a student loan? Better take away their driver’s license so they really can’t make money.

American manufacturing can be saved only by shifting from employer provided healthcare to a single payer system with cost controls.

Do Americans still have laws against animal cruelty?

Yes, inserting a cigar into consenting woman’s vagina is much, much better than grabbing a non-consenting woman’s crotch. So much so that I wonder why you would even compare the two unless you yourself are some kind of lurking sexual predator.

And this is him when people are watching.

Jameis Winston?! The lovable, charismatic leader has been accused of sexual misconduct?! catch me, I’m going to faint!

So he is definitely a scumbag and almost certainly did this, but if they were the only two people in the car, how does this part happen:

Speaking of fighting back, did you know based on gun supporter data shouting “I have a gun” but never showing a gun was sufficient to stop a portion of people and is considered defensive use of a gun (even if you have no gun).

“UFC Moron” may very well be the most redundant term in existence today.

Me too. But my exhaustion ended at Sandy Hook. Kids in Elem school, and we won’t even have the discussion. So I’m done. (Except for commenting/reading this)

I started writing a whole long spiel about how you could make changes to the system and halfway through I realized I’m just fucking tired of this. I’m someone who doesn’t own a gun and wants to be able to go to concerts, or go see a movie, or play a congressional baseball game, or go to church, or go to school, or

But we regulate Cocaine. Just because you can get it, doesn’t mean it’s pointless to make it harder to obtain. Maybe it doesn’t stop everyone, but I’d bet cocaine use would go up if it was sold at Walmart.

There will be a lot of rational discussions in this comment section.

And keep your hand out of the mouth of that guy in the top picture! You don’t know where its been, man!

It’s actually a heartfelt message to his lover, Stan D.

I’m going out on a limb and saying that I wood love to have this car.

>Normal-sized vehicles

I think you’ve got to remember the thousands of cars flooded in Houston and Florida, fires in California and taken out by VW.

Is there a way for all parties involved to lose in this situation? 1, the other owners force Jones to shut up, 2, in a blind rage where he forwards Kaepernick all of the messages from the owner’s private AOL chat room where they clearly and obviously agree to blacklist him, 3, that evidence is used to (insert legal

undercover officers pretend to be dope dealers, waiting for eager customers to approach, and then arrest potential buyers and seize their vehicles