
Jesse Watters has the IQ of a crushed can of Busch.

The real take away here is: can Jalops identify this car?

It would have been an honest mistake if it happened like 5 years ago. The fact that this photo has made its rounds around the internet for the past 5 years should tell you how much research the media actually does before they release bullshit like this.

I’m not sure keeping older drivers on the road is a good thing. I personally think at around 60 they should have to take more frequent testing to make sure they remember the rules of the road and are capable of driving.

I had someone tell me at a party, with a straight face, as serious as a heart attack, how great the Cadillac they had just rented was because it “kept the car in the lane while I checked emails and wrote texts”

1st Gear: Not All Safety Features Are Bad


At any rate, the Tiger-Cats don’t seem to have seen it coming—when asked if the team would consider not hiring Briles due to backlash, Mitchell had plainly answered “No.”

You’d guess wrong. Very little tuition money goes to paying the salaries of non-tenure track faculty. Where it does go: Administrative salaries and campus amenities.

Do they have an obligation to investigate crime? Because that’s kind of the issue here.

For a normal caring person it would seem to make business sense to have an empowered, satisfied work force. I think a lot of the union busting has to do with the personal ideologies of the selfish authoritarians who fund the cato institute, the heritage foundation and their ilk. Right wing billionaires are not good

Do you think an individual can successfully negotiate a fair salary with a conglomerate without a union?

From these gifs, I assume it will be harder for McGregor to win his fight against Floyd, seeing as, if he miraculously manages to land his left, he won’t be able to continue punching Floyd once he’s on the canvas. It’s almost like MMA and boxing are completely different sports with completely different rules.

People will riot when, once again, Mayweather stays about 5 feet away from McGregor at all times, comes in to land his customary 3 punches per round, wins a decision and walks away smiling and then acts disgusted when the ringside reporter mentions that watching this fight was about as fun as waiting for a bus.

Texas: Where stopping one illegal immigrant is worth risking hundreds of citizens lives.

Pretty sure the Chargers don’t need to worry about filling the position of trophy manager.

Next up on the Spanos hit list: equipment itself.

Here’s a guy, who’s seen it all!

I bet it’s because spanos just realized he’s a cash poor owner who just moved into a stadium that has a capacity of a MAC school

Guess once they left San Diego they didn’t have to stay classy