I had a budgie but it died

I still throw it around just to annoy / confuse people.

I know right? Mind-bottling.

Anything higher than 0% to me is pretty mind-bottling.

I know everybody keeps saying it, but I still can't get my head around: A) the President of the United States talks like this without shame, and, B) that 40% of the country thinks he's doing a swell job.

oh really? Well, I'm out of touch. For a quite while there they were just calling it "The Edge". Which was annoying.

Bah, The Edge!
I'm old enough to remember when it was CFNY!

Wolf Parade, Arcade Fire, Broken Social Scene, New Pornographers all have albums out this year (and they're all good).

I liked the part where Jon Snow looked into the camera and said "this sure is shaping up to be quite a game … of thrones!"

When viewed in slow motion, there is always a weird lag between impact and reaction.
Like the cricket guy @4 minutes has to think about it for a second. "Wait, what? … ow! my groin!"

I couldn't make it through the whole thing. Is he disrupting an industry of some kind?

I think people who follow the news you know his shit, but a lot of people don't.

"The LIBTARD snowflake COMMIE who wrote this FILTH will never amount to ANYTHING" — some guy on the Fox News comment boards, probably.


I remember in high school (dating myself) in my neck of the woods it was grunge grunge grunge and I secretly hated all of it.

ya that is a good line. "the brains I had went to my head" is good too.

fair point.

I like DLBIA a lot, I really do. But, wow, some of the lyrics are terrible. When you hear it sung at a vigil some of them border on cringeworthy (other than "don't look back in anger", and maybe "you ain't ever gonna burn my heart out"). I guess it's the vibe of the song that people are hooking on to .

The only one I felt bad for is the girl at the start … like some a-hole convinced her that if she did this it would be good for her modeling career or something.

Can I store pictures of my dog though?

I'm not blaming them, but I'm always amazed that all these famous people have naked pictures of themselves on their phone.