
It fits so well in that driveway!

You can’t even order a regular cab taco now. The extended cab, though, is pretty much perfect. The seats are only seats in the strictest definition, so its just a little extra space to recline/hold tools. 

I was going to get one the last year they were out, but they only came with the small engine.

I couldn’t agree more. Just saw this Tacoma the other day and had to snap a pic. My wife was like “why are you taking a picture of that?”

GM executives still haven’t figured out the Caddy demographic

How does it compare to the Subaru counterparts when it comes to dealer/manufacturer incentives? MSRPs are worthless, and Subaru’s will retain value longer... so all else being equal, for these Golf AllTracks to sell, they either need to be

At this point, we can make some reasonable assumptions about Toyota’s production timeframe:

Toyota Prius would have a word...

Don’t forget Red-bull.  Why do you think a Type R has 50 wings?

You found a car so rusty it shocked david tracy.

That’s an accomplishment. 

The sensors were actually so good they could detect the crowd standing behind the haybales.