
McCain has done a lot in US politics but him bringing Palin into the political consciousness is very high on the unforgivable list.

Still though, it really hurts my personal faith in her as a candidate. I’ve been trying for the last several months to psych myself into being excited for her as the nominee, but she keeps doing things that bother me, and her doing any thing as Secretary of State that can be described as “enormously stupid” is a big

I know you’re leftist as all get out (which I respect) so you’ll probably disagree, but honestly what we’re going to get is basically just Obama 2.0, except her pet cause will be women’s issues instead of racial justice.

Pretty much what anyone who actually had any background in this area was saying was going to happen.

They’re not demanding the victim’s families pay the legal cost. They’re demanding the people who initiated an unreasonable lawsuit against them pay the cost of that lawsuit.

So they make money and therefore it’s okay to sue them for something they’re not responsible for, threaten to appeal and keep suing them when your case gets dismissed, and expect them to shoulder all the legal fees?

“Acquitted of any wrongdoing” is extremely misleading. He was acquitted because the prosecution failed to prove each element of the charges beyond a reasonable doubt.

I’m glad that he’s finally acknowledging defeat, but I’m also glad that he’s going to continue to push his progressive agenda. He’s made us have conversations that we wouldn’t have had otherwise. Hopefully Hillary will absorb some of his optimism and get shit done when she’s elected.

Rally Edition!

You’ve obviously never driven a 70's Italian supercar, which usually put the steering wheel in front of the driver and the pedals somewhere totally unrelated.

A bird with an extremely prolapsed butthole?

For real, though, that is an incredibly dumb question.

If you had told me that there would be XJs on the Nürburgring, I would have assumed that you were talking about Jaguars...


These slippery bastards have held my dreams hostage for years. Every time I find one in my area I can almost buy.... and it slips away like a unicorn.

You spelled June wrong.

Easy...93 RX-7. $15K on the nose

ZR1. I've heard of them going for under $20,000.

MK II Toyota Supra P-Type Manual, Not my 1st color choice, but this one is clean. For $7500 you have plenty left over for repairs it will probably need down the road. And yes I am old and remember these as new cars.

Except the cars that followed were better.