Very cool... but why not the RV8 shell?
Very cool... but why not the RV8 shell?
My husband has often told me I'm like the little girl from Signs.
I'd like to be the devil's advocate, but these Satanists know what they're doing.
well to be fair I'm comparing to my 1985 MR2 which only weighs about 2300 lbs
It was a .357 handgun, which could have been a revolver. Revolvers don't have safeties.
Revolvers usually have no external safety.
Man, her lawyer is being a real Right Shark about this.
If you want to wear tailor made you pay for tailor to make far that's accurate, but selling a used tailor made suit is a totally different affair.
Sorry, but if this case gets upheld, its application is going to be a lot less 'punishing misogynistic rap lyrics' and more 'prosecutors running hog wild over any black man that ever mentioned shooting a gun on a mixtape.'
Throw an LS1 in it. Problem solved.