
Plus, you can use the rind in soup stock.

Yeah, I don’t appreciate sexist overtones, or judging Hillary based on her gender or some feature that we find inconsistent with her gender. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to criticize Clinton and support Sanders that have nothing to do with Clinton’s gender.

“Obviously if the suggestion there is that Hillary Clinton is asking anyone to vote for her based on her gender, that’s completely off base. This is just unfortunately the latest in a series of instances where some of Sen. Sanders top surrogates have made comments, to say the least, that are off script.”

Kanye has gone full Brittany. You never go full Brittany.

You’re criticizing Ted Cruz for his dubious points on science related stuff, and then you suggest that gluten intolerance is a real thing?

You say that, but the senate’s job is to question his credentials and eligibility, not the nominee’s political leanings or political viewpoints. The senate’s job, their obligation under the constitution, is to confirm qualified nominees, regardless of the year or who they were nominated by.

“Though Sanders has met with representatives of Black Lives Matter, he’s been criticized for “mainly address[ing] racism through the lens of economic inequality,”

A fat 79 year old man had a heart attack? At a politically inconvenient time for the right wing? MUST BE A LEFT WING CONSPIRACY.

Sorry, but

Yeah, the whole question of whether or not he can or should nominate a replacement is dumb.

You’re an unreasonable idiot. Goodbye.

You are either not paying attention or dense. Or both.

I’m trolling... in defense... of giving people... a fair shake? Do you understand how crazy pants that statement is?

Accountable to. And Earley was, ultimately fired.

Is that really a giant distinction? Like when they make these kind of decisions it’s their job to look into every possibility within reason, consider what has happened in other cities in similar situations, and take measures to check their work.

That’s exactly what I said.

I didn’t say it was “unforeseeable”. I said that bureaucrats lacked the knowledge to foresee it. That’s a giant distinction.

Because the person who appoints someone to get you out of bankruptcy isn’t checking over the numbers or decisions... You’re doing mental gymnastics to make this a republican issue.

So the person that actually made the decision is less important why?

Bankruptcy or not, how does that necessitate that they be poisoned? Not to mention, the change saved about 100 per day or 36,500 per year.