Bad Feminist?

But again, I think it’s incredibly condescending to suggest — and forgive me if I’m mistaking your intent — that women do what they do, make the choices they make, because “society says so.” I don’t really care what institutional statistics say. I know my own circumstances, and I’m not so nihilistic to think that

As a woman, honestly I don’t feel like it’s “oppressive.” I am where I am, my circumstances are what they are through my own choices. Is it hard at times? Do I want to kick my husband in the balls for far less egregious offenses? Do I experience a “Calgon, take me away” moment every so often with my kids? ABSOLUTELY.

I think that paints a cynical view...not entirely inaccurate, but I don’t view my marriage as being foisted upon me by oppressive tradition. I got married because I found a man that I love, respect, and am of the belief that these feelings are reciprocal. I’m not his property as a human being, nor is he mine...but

As others have said, I truly love most of this piece and like most women, can identify with most of your experiences and feelings — in one way or another, it’s the shared journey of womankind, sadly.

What I do take issue with, and forgive me if I’m simply misinterpreting your words or the meaning behind them, is that