
“Does this math make any sense at all?”

Fun fact: Cruise ships have morgues because it’s not uncommon for older folks to take a cruise as a last hurrah.

Only because it was actually a Mazda...

This is the thing most people don’t understand about the super wealthy CEO founders. All that wealth is in stock. If Elon tried to turn all that Tesla stock into cash (the SEC wouldn’t let him anyway), the stock would crash like a Model S on autopilot.

Having one light up while the other stays down is part of the charm of that era. Modern cars can only wink at you if they need a new bulb.

But can you get aftermarket angry faces for them?

10/10, would sticker

Thar it is.

damn you first-worlders always showing-off

I’ll make an argument for Volvo here; I feel like they are somewhat (not completely) in the right.

There looks to be several in the truck.

Oh good, a discount!

Because if you miss a day of work, you probably don’t have a job anymore. 

If they can navigate this, it becomes trail rated.

old joke is old.  

Everything has gone down a size or two for me after lockdown and WFH. My loose fit jeans are now Garth Brooks level, my mid-sized car feels like a Smart Car that’s been on a diet, my office chair has gotten narrower.

Even stretching my window this wide (______O______), I still get the hidden recaptcha.

CP on this new poll.