
Damn dirty Scots...

Awesome. Been a fan of Luke for decades. DECADES! Love the tone of the commercial.

I’m genuinely shocked that, at this point, Warner hasn’t just driven a dump truck full of money up to Jon Favreau and/or Joss Whedon - neither of whom is actively making Marvel movies anymore - and get them to fix this. Warner not only doesn’t know what they’re doing, but they finally actually realize that they don’t

They’re awesome and you get to lie to yourself and say the oatmeal and raisins make them healthy so you can eat twice as many!

Bear in mind his main competition for the job was the asshole who said Warner Brother would no longer make movies with female leads.

I appreciate the well reasoned, extended metaphor, but all I got out of it was a strong hankering for cookies.

io9 is total Marvel fanboys, man. They crap all over DC and it’s a conspiracy.

Too bad the Backyard Scientist doesn’t really do any science.

Meteor Man - 1993 (just outside your 20 year window)
Steel - 1997
Your points are very much valid, just adding to the meager list.

Can we count Wesley Snipes as Blade?

But it’s no “awesome new twist”. It’s a casting decision that will most likely work out for the movie.

I’ve heard and read (even on other gawker comments) that a lot of it has to do with the studio wanting the movie to do well in Asian markets, and therefore there has been a “type” of hero. Moreso than Americans resisting diverse leads.

you have our permission

Blame the comic books on which they are based.

But their childhoods! /s

Number of movies in the last 20 years featuring an African American superhero lead? (as in the hero of the film, not an ensamble or sidekick?)

I found the title accurate as it’s strange (and wonderful) to me. It was a pleasant read and I learned something new. Why so glum, chum?

My fear about transhumanism is that people will start to augment themselves simply to make themselves better rather than to replace things that were lost in accidents or from birth defects. People thinking they aren’t good enough until they have binocular eyes, forklift arms, and long-jump legs. Humanity is not