So the mere fact of being catholic or being a catholic priest makes you an enabler of child abuse? Interesting. Wrong and completely ridiculous... but interesting pov.
So the mere fact of being catholic or being a catholic priest makes you an enabler of child abuse? Interesting. Wrong and completely ridiculous... but interesting pov.
Seperation of church and state in manners of praying over legislation isn’t a law.
‘Best’ part of this letter?
Yeah... no... no credit will be issued by this bank. She’s a liar for other liars covering up their sleaze. There is nothing noble about her, or her actions. Credit would be for people who deserve, and this person and her bosses deserve nothing but curses and epitaphs for what they are doing to our government.
Hold your breath... they’ll be gone by the time you take another.
This is not an unusual circumstance when dining while black...
As a person of color, you must work twice as hard in order to get substandard service that a white person receives... this has always been the unspoken rule of this and other western countries. This attitude isn’t just localized in the south, it’s nationwide. Our media and service industry culture has fostered the…
This just says “class” all the way. They don’t want to punish the city monetarily, how would that be good for anyone?
While in the same breath supporting the completely non-nonsensical lack of regulation of deadly weapons and supporting removing programs that support the poor or lower class parts of our country.
Seconded... the lack of regard for human life, under the guise of ‘christian’ or conservative values is a feature of life in the south now, not a bug.
Well Hitler loved his dogs, and Stalin was known to give a mean tickle. The scariest monsters of our collective memory are the ones that seem to have a gentle side, but then turn around and kill millions of people to fufill some egotistical, racist and murderous agenda.
There were many people who failed, wether failing to his Thanos in the head instead of the chest, failing to remove the gauntlet, or hell you could even blame Tony for going with Starlord’s plan. Everyone bares the blame of failure when a team loses, not just the guy who dropped the pass or missed the field goal. A…
Never has the phrase “A pox on both your houses” been more appropriate.
Yup. It’s too much power for anyone, even Thanos. His will is incredibly strong... and he has a single minded focus. Anyone else with the Stones would probably either go mad, or end up being worse.
So far there’s’ almost no discernible difference between Jones and the child abuser, except the lack of child abuse.
You have to wonder what good democrats are when they continually vote for morally bankrupt racist folks.
Justice... now for the sentence.
I don’t want to be one of those people annoyed by the lack of speed of the transformation, or the lack of ability to walk effectively.... So I will just say... “Cool.” Making a massive robot is hard, making one of that size that can transform without breaking itself... incredibly hard.