They were certainly willing to kill off established cast members too.
They were certainly willing to kill off established cast members too.
People would have continued to not watch it?
So wanted to like this but just feels really cheesy. Tom Hardy’s voice sounds like it’ll grate, while venom’s sounds like something from a 80s cartoon. The effects look ropey.
I can’t agree, Velcirapstar. I have a zero tolerance for pedophilia jokes, for personal reasons. I’m kind of guessing that James Gunn also has personal reasons. It doen’t excuse his awful jokes. And he’s said it doesn’t. I’ll take his word, and not excuse the jokes. I think these people who have nothing personal to…
Cocoa Pebbles yields much more delicious and superior cereal milk than Cocoa Puffs. It is known.
A few points:
“What can I do about these jerks at the table next to me?”
Yes. So much yes.
Gentrification is immigration writ small: “this area is mine, keep out”
WTF are you even talking about? How does this, any way, relate to this discussion? Or in any other discussion we’ve had in the last 4 hours. You’re the one talking about sexual orientation, I’m not mentioning it at all. Why do you assume that people who disagree with you about something are automatically racist or…
@UmmDavid, you seem to have some strange beef with @IGotLeyd, as demonstrated by your interactions in the comments on other articles. I can’t say definitively what IGotLeyd believes, but nothing in their comment history that I can find seems particularly damning:
You have yet to prove that this commenter is a racist. And criticizing your language is no way defending any one else’s comments. All you’ve proven is that you like to tell people to die, kill themselves, their mothers are whores who should have aborted them, and you think everyone who disagrees with you is a racist.…
I suppose anything other than insults and foul language seems like ‘word salad’ to you. Because, whether you agree with my sentiments or not- they are pretty specific. Oh, this is really fun.
A Ha! I see you’ve decided to troll me here because of what I stated in comments for another article. And once again, you’ve made my point for me. Don’t you think it’s even a little bit ironic that you told me that I don’t matter - and yet you’ve carried over your criticism to this comment on a different thread?…
I’m pretty sure a yawn is indicative of boredom, not racism. Most racists get riled up pretty easily, they’re too self righteous to be bored. I think I would probably yawn if I was watching this episode too. I’ve noticed that you have a habit of calling anyone who disagrees with you a racist. I’ve perused your…
Only people who use the word triggered actually get triggered - much like the term snowflake. Right wing haters are pretty consistent with their projection, actually. Also, not agreeing with a term is not the same thing as being triggered. It’s discourse, but I guess that’s too subtle for a wordsmith like yourself.
Holy shit. I thought Captain Midnight was bad. If you go further into the discussion links, they get worse.
Edit: replace ‘progressive’ with ‘neo-liberal’. Progressives don’t fetishize minorities. We talk about assisting them thru fair economic practices. That’s one of the reasons idiots kept calling Bernie a racist. This type of behavior is very indicative of ‘liberals’, and is why Republicans use words like ‘virtue…