Holy shit, this was great journalism. I really hope that the pilot surfaces someday, because it looks downright bonkers. Thanks for this.
The Batfamily famously doesn’t kill! Why is that so hard for these writers to understand?! Why does Batman kill in basically every live action adaptation? Now Dick Grayson of all people is killing? C’mon!
They ought to have adapted Red Hood and the Outlaws. It, at least, would’ve made sense there. (Why is Dove…
At the time, when the movie started, we didn’t really have a screenplay, so it was very difficult for us to say who would be in the movie for how long and on what days, and he had a commitment to Marvel. So there was just simply no predicting.
He’s busy coasting off his fat “Tag” paycheck.
Tyler Clippard is sporting a 54:16 K/BB ratio (in 45.1IP) on the season, with a 3.89 FIP on a 3.15 ERA. Pitching in the AL East, mind you, where he’s faced the Yankees or Red Sox in nearly 1/3 of his appearances (15 out of 48)
MLBTR lists him in the second tier of available rental relief arms (the top tier being…
What racial undertones? The ones you project onto the character. When did this first bother you the second season the 10th season or the 25th season? I’m curious.
Someone just made a complete fool of themselves!
And why does a woman have to voice Bart?
To be fair, some of the “hoes” tweets are rap lyrics, Wiz Khalifa if I am not mistaken. But the other ones, definitely not.
You look like such an asshole in this entire thread.
How is his opinion wrong but yours is spot on?
Yeah, that wasn’t true
Eh you got offended by a photoshopped tweet dude he didn’t say anything bout Trayvon but keep up the good fight
People are getting taken in by a fake tweet...and not even a very good one. The formatting is all wrong, the words don’t extend left past the picture and time stamp like that.
Deadspin is so embarrassing now dude. Despite being whining, bitching liberals, they are as hypocritical as a journalism site gets. They went through bankruptcy for a reason. Their jealousy of barstool and bleacher report is apparent. They’ve failed mane...
That’s a terrible policy. The bathrooms would have to be cleaned more often, use more consumables and cause unnecessary foot traffic in a business. Government doesn’t need to fix a problem that doesn’t exist.