
You brought this on yourself because you keep stalking me. You made threats to me. You called me names. Now you lie about me. Tell the truth.

ahhh, of course you’re into young girls.

Dismiss and disregard.

We can disagree, but it’s not really subjective. You like all of it. That’s fine (as I’ve said before). But at no point has it expanded the story, created some “A-HA!” moment tonight or was vital to the story. You are confusing you enjoying something with it being vital to the story. Those are very different things.

nah. Tim is mad because I caught him in some straight hypocrisy one night when he called me names and made threats against me. He’s still upset about it and stalks around my comments selling everyone that BS.

you continuing to stalk me is really flattering. It doesn’t matter that you’re literally making that up and still pissed about getting called out for your hypocrisy (seriously, that’s all this is about - you being too immature to one night just say that yes, you were being a hypocrite when you were using ad hominem


if you read through that commenter’s history, you’ll see that “peace” isn’t something they’re interested in 

that’s great. I never said you should or shouldn’t. I responded to this ridiculously false line:

nah. You could’ve accomplished all of that accurately in either five episodes max or by making these 30 minute episodes. Most of the previous four episodes were choppy flashback, people drinking, profile shots of the city, more people drinking, mom makes one weird comment, dad ignores it, more drinking, Camille cums,

this is the first episode that actually deserved an A. Something tells me that if you go back and watch the other episodes you negligently dropped A grades on, you’d see they don’t come close to stacking up to this episode, and why you received criticism for doing that. This series should’ve been four or five episodes

What’s Shaun King’s tally for stolen money from victim families up to these days?

what does attraction have to do with anything? Such a hypocrite.

“If you criticize BlacKkKlansman you must be racist” - AV Club writers the past couple weeks

I don’t need Rosamund Pike to do anything. I don’t make movies.

What’s a Chauncey?

you are aware that acting jobs and UPS jobs are different things, right? Like, for some roles, men and women need to look certain ways to get them.

yeah I’m sure this will be taken seriously by NFL fans.

It does make me feel slightly less bad over objectifying Berry, or any of the other women, in the series.