
I grew up in Flint. In my area we really only had a local chain named Halo Burger, and an A&W restaurant/drive-thru (you had to go out near the mall for the McDonald’s, BK, etc...). LOVED that A&W. It was so great. When Yum Brands took it over they completely ruined that company.

nah. I’m good. Kind of got Chris Pratt exhaustion. He’s pretty one note and we’ve seen his peak.

This family of sites somehow still has enough money to fund dozens of writer salaries

that’s great. I hope you use that awareness for when you go to Cinnabon too..

Before we really knew anything about the show

this is way too many words about Plain White T’s 

well I hope so since they seem so unwilling to accept that their time has passed and they would be better off by just pursuing a regular career.

oh it’s hot baby. 3:47 am Cinemax hot 

Judd Apatow would’ve rather cast his wife so he can watch her have on screen sex with more guys

and the commenter said “Why celebrate the 10th anniversary of such a shitty movie?”

No doubt if you get your way and they fire Gadot, they’ll end up casting some blonde WASP to play Lamarr.

I don’t think he would intentionally do her wrong like he did with Chuck. But I see a scenario where he thinks he’s helping her, and it ends up destroying her. I’d be blown away if her ending is in any way positive a la him setting her free. Many of the other characters we already know their fate through BB... which

well they filmed those scenes there. I’m more thinking it’s a tip of the cap to that mall. The accents in the hospital weren’t really SW either... plus we’re talking about a guy whose face was plastered everywhere on billboards, park benches, commercials, etc... There’s no way he’d last more than a day at Cinnabon in

as long as it’s by Saul’s doing I’ll be fine with it... if she gets into some painkiller addiction or something I’m gonna be pissed at them taking the lazy route. He needs to be the one that fucks her over.

you got Laura Bogart dropping A grades for Sharp Objects before she even sees the episodes, but this only gets a B+?! This site needs an overhaul of its grading system.

while it’s about time someone did something on Hedy... holy shit did they pick a horrendously bad actress to do this. What a ridiculous choice. Gal Gadot can’t even sell a scene in Fast and Furious, let alone in Wonder Woman - and now she’s playing a freakin legend? Nope. This is Hollywood idiocy at its finest. Just

In every facet of society, burden of proof is on the accuser. Go get it big dawg!

Democratic citizens want changes in their own leadership who may actually, for once, fight for the things they say they support and/or are against. Democratic politicians are refusing to listen, and the DNC is just protecting their own asses at this point. This was all going to collide at some point.

it’ll be a miracle of the DNC ever actually, you know, listens to its Democratic voters 

You are aware she didn’t actually carve these into her body, right?