it wasn’t his policy tho
it wasn’t his policy tho
you know she’s not reading your comment, right?
ya know, I got no problem with going in on Ivanka for waiting for so long... but it is fundamentally dishonest to call this Trump’s policy. It is documented fact that Obama was also doing this. No, not to this level, but he was. And we don’t have statistics before October, 2016 to know how far back it goes, or if…
not at all. And personally I don’t plan on seeing it... but we’re talking about a site that gives grades based on whether or not they like people, not based on the product itself, which runs exactly opposite of what they’re supposed to be doing. That Kate McKinnon movie (and her performance) are getting ripped to…
who holds the current A.V. Club record for the most consecutive F grades given to a single director
“You just don’t understand comedy.” - child sex-obsessed James Gunn defenders AlienJesus, meatwadf, dirtside and Velociraptor.
this is when you see who is objective or not. Refusing to say someone lied (like the break-up part, which is big) when you have absolute proof they lied... and the only reason they won’t say it is because she’s a woman.. is ludicrous.
this perfect expression of our shared desire to throw an ice cream cone at Meryl Streep
That allegory is a little outdated now, but Serkis could easily modernize it by changing Napoleon the pig into more of a Donald Trump figure.
Women do so much more damage to young women psychologically than men ever could. I see some of these pics pop up from time to time in my feed and the comments from young girls on them are depressing as fuck. Not only are they being told by these models that this is how they should look... but now they’re telling them…
that’s a hell of a response. Well-written.
well she could have texts/e-mails. I know there have been cases of a date rapist being caught or convicted in large part because the victim was able to corner him into admitting it over text or e-mail. Like they’ll ease into it with something along the lines of “hey, I was crazy drunk last night and passed out. Don’t…
for me it was the combo of the texts and her refusal to provide the proof she said she had. She is the one who offered up unsolicited that she had proof. At that point you don’t get to back away from providing it and expect people to still believe you.
The most compelling and heartbreaking of these toxic relationships was the one between Jimmy and his perpetually ill brother Chuck (Michael McKean)
I’m sure this will get people choked up
for real, though, can you disclose you or AV Club’s relationship with the producers of this show? Seems to be A LOT more content on this show than any others.
“Text conversations. Timelines.” Details?
What evidence that contradicted her?
Man responds to her - “OMG he’s so disgusting! Look at him trying to intimidate her!”
This dude’s career is literally built off recapping other people’s work