
“Everyone is a pedophile until proven otherwise,”

I applaud you for doubling down on your lies, and then refusing to admit you lied even though I have literally showed you where you lied. But that’s allliterator for ya. Idiotic Kinja hack.

Yes. James Gunn was obsessed with child sex.

You gonna admit you lied and apologize or nah?

There isn’t. It’s just something that was made up so that the alt-right can claim there are bad people “on both sides.”

1 - There is. You just conveniently want to ignore it

Probably. Most likely. Thanks for not disputing a thing I said. Mostly because you can’t - so might as well go after the one term that you can dispute.

you gonna apologize for this or nah? Maybe less humblebrag videos about half made-up stories and more honesty. Cool? Cool.

I do wonder why you bothered since 90% of the audience for this show seem to be in some form of denial

I’m left-leaning. I’m gay. I’m Latino. But thanks for proving why I don’t want to be identified as Liberal or Left - because of disgusting people like you. I don’t want to be grouped in with you. You’re a mentally and emotionally immature hack who believes that all people who don’t say the exact things you want them

I think most people do this

Whenever I get a crush on someone, I usually secretly add them to whatever game of The Sims I’m currently playing.

We get it Chris. You don’t like baseball.

meh. If the black players gave the green light then I’m fine. Sounds like they did from the report.

I grew up in Flint. Exact opposite for our skaters. Probably the more mild-mannered and chill kids who got bullied

if a Mexican wrapped the burrito then technically it would be

I bet you thought you were really witty talking down to a woman.

okay. Thanks for letting us know William.

I’m not sure I’d call asking someone if they raped women who said about Kids: “I was doing all the same shit as the kids in the movie” is what one would consider “bitching.”