
Yeah, Elin would make my knees and back weak too

Just because they’ve got themselves a multimedia department doesn’t mean they stopped being the browns, doing the browns sort of things.

The hero we deserve

I sense a tactical cheese strike is in order to the center of that burger, stat!

I’m gonna go with desolate Fallout 9 wasteland for $800 Alec

“They don’t play football in the Olympics”

Edibles would be a dabba bar. They got those so labeled now that it gives you a good idea what you’re dealing with.

The edibles from the store with portions are fine. They’ve got them labeled so it removes the guess work. But it’s an 8 hour commitment easily. The joints would leave the neophytes feeling well after a couple hours

Don’t be afraid to put out the coals if you’re feeling good enough. No one says you gotta smoke it all. I’d also suggest getting a preroll and avoid the caviar for now (the super joints they sell)

Oh boy, better watch out for that A&M intellectual property lawsuit for using the 12th anything

Can’t wait to see his response when the surveillance video surfaces with zeke holding up two forms of picture id

Only the ones the manufacturers offer to finance

That’s masters level work right there

“Police say the man they arrested looked enough like Whitehead for them not to doubt it was the Cowboys receiver.”

WSM was my childhood

And they didn’t even save it for the ocho!

I’d say trump tower but there’s not enough fake gold leaf

Sounds like she was in a rebellious phase

Almost as if they get paid to write, or something. I thought this was a hobby writing blog?

I’d Fook em both with your dick