This is a silly line of criticism. If Clinton nominated Brett Kavanaugh or Paul Clement, does anyone think McCain (or any other R Senator) would just reflexively oppose the nomination?
This is a silly line of criticism. If Clinton nominated Brett Kavanaugh or Paul Clement, does anyone think McCain (or any other R Senator) would just reflexively oppose the nomination?
Still using the gawker email address? That an intentional act of defiance at the situation?
Jesus Christ. This guy is turning into a goddamned caricature. I half expect Undercover Brother or Pootie-Tang to jump up on stage and do karate.
Just so we’re clear what Harvard has already offered:
Hey look, I found another bullshit gawker article in the sports section. I think the people at gawker are intentionally ruining the blogs because they are assholes.
The cafeteria workers currently make $22, and Harvard offered them a raise to $24/hr which they declined. The workers are also unhappy that there are not the same cafeteria full staffing needs during summer break, which is to be expected in a university setting.
Since the death of Gawker I’ve been visiting The Atlantic for news and views I won’t find elsewhere. I think it’s a bit of a stretch to suggest that The Atlantic is somehow a GOP mouthpiece. You’ve got the non-endorsement:…
It’s really sad that this article has to go on Deadspin.
As a Nats fan, I was sadder than Nick Denton when he had to sell his house. Unlike Denton I didn’t use a black cock as a pacifier.
I haven’t watched football in almost 15 years.
Players born in foreign countries to American parents are just as American as anyone born within the country.
Billy, that is a lot of excitement over amir volley.
Or lawbreakers? Or treason? Pretty much everyone.
This is like saying, “Man, if that had been me who was mugged, I would have stopped the guy by punching him in the face. I would have kicked his ass.” Dave Letterman talks a big talk now, but he used to pussyfoot with the best of them.
Should jimmy fallon have taken hillary to task on the clinton foundation as well? Or is this only for conservatives?
His punishment will almost certainly be a lifetime ban from Blue Jays games. Or, if he has a really good lawyer, he’ll get a lifetime ban from Blue Jays and Leafs games.
Per a release from the TPS
Given the smoke and mirrors involved in the making of the Kardashian brand, or any reality show, it’s not really an asshole comment.
You paid $275 to see Kanye West? Hahahahahaha
Well, let’s hope the children are OK and everyone else is dead.