
This is a silly line of criticism. If Clinton nominated Brett Kavanaugh or Paul Clement, does anyone think McCain (or any other R Senator) would just reflexively oppose the nomination?

Still using the gawker email address? That an intentional act of defiance at the situation?

Jesus Christ. This guy is turning into a goddamned caricature. I half expect Undercover Brother or Pootie-Tang to jump up on stage and do karate.

Just so we’re clear what Harvard has already offered:

Hey look, I found another bullshit gawker article in the sports section. I think the people at gawker are intentionally ruining the blogs because they are assholes.

The cafeteria workers currently make $22, and Harvard offered them a raise to $24/hr which they declined. The workers are also unhappy that there are not the same cafeteria full staffing needs during summer break, which is to be expected in a university setting.

Gizmodo is officially dead.

Did you even read the article?

This is the new Gawker. Their shitposts need to be funneled somewhere. This website will soon become the equivalent of Buzfeed; just sticking with sensitive topics and purposely causing shit that way they can get clicks.

Outing people when they clearly didn’t want it public isn’t really a “hollow” justification. Would you like it if I took your personal and private matters and made it public? Gawker deserved everything it got. Gossip is the lowest form of news. Present actual news for once and not shit.

It’s really sad that this article has to go on Deadspin.

As a Nats fan, I was sadder than Nick Denton when he had to sell his house. Unlike Denton I didn’t use a black cock as a pacifier.

Gawker writers love to dig up shit on anyone to remind themselves of how morally superior they are to everyone.

STOP THE GODDAM BULLYING. The dude asked a question while being fat and you can’t just couldn’t get past a slightly oddly dressed fat guy being on TV. Give it a rest.

Dude is enjoying his 15 minutes, and you decide to put him on blast for relatively innocuous comments?

I haven’t watched football in almost 15 years.

Guys...seriously, Thiel beat you. Move on. This grudge you’re still holding is going to turn out to be as pathetic as his grudge over your former owners.

Gawker wasn’t shut down. They just gave each remaining site a percentage of Gawker themed shit they have to post.
I’m amused Gizmodo even tried to get a reply from Thiel.